Magnum 25th birthday: Marc de champagne

Today is Magnum's 25th birthday. To celebrate this special occasion, they have created the limited edition flavor with Marc de champagne. My all-time favorite flavor is the Magnum Almond, but I cannot resist anything limited edition, so I gave it a try.

Magnum with marc de champagne

In one pack, you get four Magnums with Marc de champagne. I really like the pretty print on the wrapper.

Magnum 25th birthday packaging

Before there were also the Magnums with a gold coat and this time, they created one with a silver coat. To be honest, the idea is really nice, but the silver coat doesn't make it look very appetizing. It kind of looks like an aluminum bar, so my brain almost couldn't comprehend, when it didn't taste like metal at all. ^_^

Magnum with silver coating

Magnum with silver coating zoom in

The champagne taste comes from the champagne syrup swirls, mixed within the vanilla ice cream.

Magnum marc de champagne flavor

Magnum marc de champagne flavor

I really like the taste, as it tastes like a scoop of rich vanilla ice cream placed inside a glass of champagne. I have made drinks like this before during parties (Of course, I used a bottle of cheap champagne) and it really taste similar. I was quite amazed that the champagne taste was quite strong, not bland at all. I almost felt a bit drunk. ^_^

Magnum 25th birthday ice cream stick

Happy 25th birthday, Magnum!

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