About me
Live your dream now, not later.
Hi! I am Michelle, a Hong Kong blogger born and living in the Netherlands. I can understand Dutch, English, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, and a bit of Japanese. Still working on my Korean.
I first started this blog when I came back from traveling after graduating from university. During that time, I did a lot of retrospecting and found out that I forgot many of the dreams and wishes from when I was younger. I also want this blog to remind me of the things that make me happy, even the small ones, and to continue to make great memories in my life. The motto of my blog is "Live your dream now, not later". It will constantly remind me to ask myself if I am happy with what I am doing right now and if I am not, how that can be changed. I also lost a lot of my pictures when my laptop once crashed and it is nice to know that I have a lot of pictures safely stored on this blog.
I got my own domain in November 2012: http://www.atfirstwink.com. I came up with this name, because I really like the famous movie phrase from Jerry Maguire: "You had me at hello." and the song "Twinkle" from the Girl's generation's sub-unit, Taetiseo. When you put michta (my nickname) and twinkle together, the words "at wink" really sprung out. I think that every girl would like to hear: You got me .... at first wink.
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© by Michelle Tang and www.atfirstwink.com.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication (including translations to other languages or summaries) of the material on www.atfirstwink.com is strictly prohibited without permission from this blog’s author and owner, Michelle Tang. After getting my written permission, you may use excerpts (small part of a blog post or quotes), provided that full and clear credit is given to www.atfirstwink.com and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content (a working link).
All pictures on this blog are taken by me or otherwise, properly credited to the rightful owners.