How to wear orange lipstick

Orange seem to be the latest trend color for the lips, but it can be a challenging color to wear. I found this nice video from Etude House showing you three ways to wear their new range of orange lipsticks from the Etude House Color Pop collection and I thought I should share it with you.

1st way:
Apply the orange lipstick moderately on the lips and gently dab on it with your finger. The result is very powdery, matte orange lips.

2nd way: 
Use a lip brush to apply the orange lipstick. Bite on a piece of tissue paper to remove excess lipstick. This way, you can get very vivid, orange lips.

3nd way:
Apply the orange lipstick and add the Etude House Dear my Jelly Lips-talk JBE101 (So glad, I bought this! ^_^) on top for glossy orange lips.

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