My love for star-shaped things
From when I was little, I have already had a weird obsession towards star-shaped things. Through the years, my collection of star-shaped things have increased. At least, my room has not yet been filled to the brim with it, so it is not that bad, right? ^_^
Even though the glass jars look quite nice, they were originally containers for salad dressing and corn. I had cleaned the paper label off and washed the inside with warm water and soap, before I filled it with the paper stars. The paper ribbons for the toxic green, purple, and fuchsia stars on the left were gift ribbons that I bought at the HEMA, a store in the Netherlands. For the stars in the right, I actually went to a Chinese gift shop that sells imported goods from Asia and I bought some paper ribbons that were specifically made for stars folding. It was a lot pricier, but it has really pretty pastel colors and the ribbons were pre-cut in the right size. With gift ribbons, I need to cut them myself and it sometimes is too short or too long.
Stars that I have folded myself with paper ribbon
The glow in the dark stars on my ceiling
I first received a set of large glow-in-the-dark stars for "Sinterklaas" and because I like it so much, I got another set with smaller stars. Initially, I wanted to create a galaxy with all kinds of stars spread randomly on the ceiling, but I thought that using the stars to create a star shape would be fun too. The pink and orange stars also don't light up as well as the yellow, blue, and green, so to keep a star shape and because of the colorfulness, I mixed the colors up a bit. The day after, my neck was very sore from looking up the whole time and sticking the stars on the ceiling in the right way.
My star themed jewellery
The star theme runs the most in my earrings, but I have also bought some bracelets with star charms.