the Saem Saemmul lip and eye crayon: Get Your Crayon!
As if I don't own enough crayons already (such as the Clinique chubby stick, two Peripera peri's tint crayons, and the Bourjois Color Boost crayon) or have many of them on my wish list, the Saem just released two ranges of lip crayons and eye crayons that also look like they should be part of my collection. ^_^
There are also 5 colors of Saemmul Eye Crayons: Khaki Grey, Gold Bronze, Double Navy, Light Pink, and Gold Beige. These eyeshadow sticks have a silvery shimmer to them and the chubby stick looks a lot like the Clinique Chubby Stick shadow tint for eyes or the Innisfree x Jill shadow pencils. The colors are a bit on the safe side, but it is quite difficult to have that many choices as Innisfree and still to be able to sell each color equally good. If Innisfree has any excess stock due to unsold products from older collections, I am more than willing to accept it. I really don't mind getting unusual, not popular colors. :P
The slogan is " Get your Crayon!". For G-Dragon fans, this must sound familiar. ^_^ I was only joking when I mentioned this fact in this previous post of mine, and now, I am starting to get the delusional thought that some of the Saem employees are actually reading my blog. :D
Talking about G-Dragon, the Saem created the Eco-Energy Gel Mask Sheet with two functions (one is for whitening and one is Anti-wrinkle) with large pictures of G-Dragon on the front. When I first saw the picture, I thought it was a new single from G-Dragon that he wrote especially for the Saem. The signature at the bottom right corner made me think that way. Sadly, we don't get to see G-Dragon with the lip crayon applied on his lips like with the Saem Global Eco Red lipstick, but the pretty sheet mask packaging with a large picture of him would look good on display in any fan's room. ^_^
There are 5 colors Cherry pink, Coral orange, Eco blue, Calming lavender, and Burgundy red (translated by me, so there could be some mistakes ^_^). Aside from the interesting color changing blue crayon, the Burgundy red color is also quite unusual.
I guess, we can't get past burgundy red lip colors this Fall/Winter season. Innisfree and Etude House have also had burgundy red lips as their main point in the promotional campaigns of the Innisfree Color Glow lipsticks and the Etude House &Rose makeup collection.
I guess, we can't get past burgundy red lip colors this Fall/Winter season. Innisfree and Etude House have also had burgundy red lips as their main point in the promotional campaigns of the Innisfree Color Glow lipsticks and the Etude House &Rose makeup collection.
The slogan is " Get your Crayon!". For G-Dragon fans, this must sound familiar. ^_^ I was only joking when I mentioned this fact in this previous post of mine, and now, I am starting to get the delusional thought that some of the Saem employees are actually reading my blog. :D
Talking about G-Dragon, the Saem created the Eco-Energy Gel Mask Sheet with two functions (one is for whitening and one is Anti-wrinkle) with large pictures of G-Dragon on the front. When I first saw the picture, I thought it was a new single from G-Dragon that he wrote especially for the Saem. The signature at the bottom right corner made me think that way. Sadly, we don't get to see G-Dragon with the lip crayon applied on his lips like with the Saem Global Eco Red lipstick, but the pretty sheet mask packaging with a large picture of him would look good on display in any fan's room. ^_^