Recipe: jamón serrano ham and mozzarella cheese skewers
This is part 2 of the seafood barbeque that I had: an easy recipe for jamón serrano ham and mozzarella cheese skewers. Although it was great that I got my full share of seafood, I also needed to think about the other people too. I remembered that I still had some Campofrio Jamón Serrano ham left from making a baguette for lunch earlier. I figured that I could make some delicious skewers by rolling it around a small piece of mozzarella cheese. Luckily, I also had another pack at home and it was just enough to make all the skewers with.
After prepping everything beforehand, you only need to place a piece of mozzarella on a strip of jamón serrano and then roll it up. Then, pierce it through the bamboo stick in a way that the end of the strip is sealed by the stick and it doesn't unravel. If you use the blunt side of the stick, you can also let your children (or clumsy friends ^_^) help you make the skewers.
Extra tip: cut the ingredients in a way that the surface of the skewer is completely flat. For example, the paprika pieces should not lift the skewer up so much that the pineapple cubes do not touch the grill. I didn't pay much attention to that, but luckily I managed to grill everything evenly.
I still had paprika and onion pieces left, so I used some of the tuna that was in the barbeque set to make more skewers with. In the hurry, I forgot to season them, but nothing that a dip couldn't fix.
In the barbeque set, there was also some leaves of roman lettuce and I used those to make a simple side dish with: roman lettuce and fresh shitake mushrooms stir-fy with hoi sin sauce.
What you need for the jamón serrano and mozzarella skewers
- long bamboo sticks (soak them in water for a while before use, to make sure that they will not turn black like charcoal)
- (red) onions, cut in 1/8's
- a red and a green bell pepper
- small pieces of mozzarella (make sure that they are smaller that the width of the jamón serrano strips, so that they won't melt and leak out too much)
- jamón serrano strips
- cubes of (fresh) pineapple
After prepping everything beforehand, you only need to place a piece of mozzarella on a strip of jamón serrano and then roll it up. Then, pierce it through the bamboo stick in a way that the end of the strip is sealed by the stick and it doesn't unravel. If you use the blunt side of the stick, you can also let your children (or clumsy friends ^_^) help you make the skewers.
Extra tip: cut the ingredients in a way that the surface of the skewer is completely flat. For example, the paprika pieces should not lift the skewer up so much that the pineapple cubes do not touch the grill. I didn't pay much attention to that, but luckily I managed to grill everything evenly.
I still had paprika and onion pieces left, so I used some of the tuna that was in the barbeque set to make more skewers with. In the hurry, I forgot to season them, but nothing that a dip couldn't fix.
In the barbeque set, there was also some leaves of roman lettuce and I used those to make a simple side dish with: roman lettuce and fresh shitake mushrooms stir-fy with hoi sin sauce.
This is the part 3 of the seafood barbeque: a recipe for a baguette with serrano ham, sun-dried tomatoes, peccorino, and rocket lettuce.