Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo - filmed with 4K camera
I walked around in Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo in Rotterdam with my Canon EOS M50 camera, all ready and set to take 4K videos at any given moment. Animals are really unpredictable and you could miss the perfect shot in a blink of an eye. Editing all the footages that I took was pretty horrible in this hot weather, but I managed to create 4 videos in one day.
The animals at the zoo are organized by the continents that they can be found in and there is also the oceanium, where you can find the sea creatures. I wasn't able to put every animal on film, as I skipped a few (too tired!) and some were not in their living quarters. But I was lucky enough to get some beautiful things on film.
The animals at the zoo are organized by the continents that they can be found in and there is also the oceanium, where you can find the sea creatures. I wasn't able to put every animal on film, as I skipped a few (too tired!) and some were not in their living quarters. But I was lucky enough to get some beautiful things on film.