IKEA hack: clothing hang rail

I don't remember exactly where I saw it before, in the IKEA magazine or at the IKEA social media channels, but there was a picture in which a curtain rod was attached to a closet and I thought it was genius. I often ask people about how they deal with worn clothes that were still clean, but not that clean to the extent that you can put it back in the closet, and the outfit that they plan to wear the next day. The method I used was very unorganized and always caused one big mess. I put both the worn and to be worn clothes over my desk chair. But I keep stacking more on top until my desk chair falls over and the worn clothes "contaminated" the new clothes. I never really figured out a better way to do this. Since I got more free time to remodel and clean up my room, I can finally put this plan to action.

IKEA hack curtain rod used as clothing hang rail

I found some old IKEA curtain rod and rod holders in our storage room, but here are the cheapest alternatives that I can currently find on the IKEA website: BETYDLIG curtain rod holder (€2.49), RÄCKA adjustable curtain rod (black, 70-120 cm, €1.99) and RAFFIG finials (€1.99). First, you screw the long, flat part of the rod holder on top of the closet and then, you place the rod in the u-shape and fixate it with the small, attached screw. Put the finials (aka end-knobs) at the ends of the curtain rod and you are done. I mostly hang my coat, the outfit that I want to wear the next day, my sleepwear, my loungewear, and the worn clothes.

In the before mentioned IKEA picture, the whole width of the closet had a rail, while I only made half of the width have a rail. I would otherwise hang the whole rail full and it would be hard to open the closet. Just to be on the safe side, I placed heavy plastic boxes with clothes on top of the long part of the rod holders. I already had the large black s-hooks at home (I think I bought them at a household store in Wanchai, Hong Kong, back when I had my consultancy internship there) and the small white plastic s-hooks were souvenirs that I recently got from Hong Kong (see video). The white Living plaza (aka Daiso) s-shaped hooks snapped right on and they don't come off all the time like the metal hooks that I bought before for my bag hanger DIY project many years ago. They come in a bag of 10 pieces and they are about 70 mm. The load limit is 3 kg.

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