Dior Beauty workshop

If you have been following my Facebook page, you could have already seen that last Friday, I had attended the Dior Beauty workshop, which was held in cooperation with the Dutch fashion magazine, Glamour. I was very lucky to be one of the 20 people that were invited. This group was split in two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I was scheduled in the afternoon.

With just 10 people per class, we were able to get a lot closer with each other and we could get personal advice on makeup. The workshop was given by Wim Thompson, the national makeup artist of Dior. He is the guy wearing the black shirt and the one at the head of the table in the pictures underneath. If you look closely, I am the one sitting at the right end of the table (dark long hair and white cardigan). It is not hard to find me as I am the only one with a white cup of tea in front of me, because I arrived a bit late and couldn't finish my tea in time. I had a great time trying a new makeup look, while being served a glass of Moët & Chandon champagne (pure luxury!) and lovely one-bite macarons. I have tasted the pistachio and the caramel macarons and they were really delicious.

As I haven't had the time to edit and pick the pictures yet, I will write about the makeup look that was created that day and the goody bag that I was given at the end, in future posts. 


Dior Beauty workshop
Pictures from Glamour's instagram and the picture on the top right is taken by me.

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