Review: Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party

After yesterday's Etude House nail polish WH901 - Cotton Candy Kiss, the second Etude House 2013 Summer Glitters nail polish that I am going to show you is the OR203 - Coral Party. Not only am I often wearing orange on my lips lately, orange is showing up on my nails a lot too. ^_^

Review: Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party

The Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party has yellow and orange star glitters, hexagonal glitters in white, yellow, orange, smaller diamond glitters in yellow and a couple of larger diamond-shaped, holographic glitters. The clear base contains very fine holographic glitters that are a lot finer than those in the Etude House nail polish WH901 - Cotton Candy Kiss. It isn't as fine and as abundant as in holographic glitter nail polishes, but it gives off a very pretty, silvery shimmer to the nails that can still be considered as subtle. You can see the shimmers very well in this picture underneath. 

Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party brush

As the base color nail polish, I choose the Etude House Petit Darling nail polish OR207 - Apricot Milk. I think it matches very well with the orange glitters. Maybe a bit too good, since you can barely see them anymore. Totally camouflaged. ^_^

Etude House Petit Darling nail polish OR207 - Apricot Milk on nails
Compared to the previous Etude House 2013 Summer Glitters nail polish that I reviewed, the OR203 - Coral Party nail polish is a lot easier to handle. I don't know if it is because there are less big shaped glitters in it and needed a consistency that is not as goopy, but I could spread the glitters easier and it creates a not as uneven surface as before. I would like it to be a bit smoother, but this, I can accept. It is strange how different the consistency can be of nail polishes that belong to the same collection. There is still one more glitter nail polish for me to review, so I wonder how that will turn out. ^_^ 

 Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party

 Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party

 Etude House nail polish OR203 - Coral party

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